Pytheas ecoClean® Blasting Media

The Farrow System® is designed to use Pytheas ecoClean® media – the natural mineral media that is an integral component of The Farrow System®, the environmentally friendly cleaning process. Dust levels are suppressed within the vaporized elements of ecoClean®, therefore allowing this extremely low-pressure cleaning media to be used safely outdoors, within populated urban areas, and even in enclosed environments. ecoClean® is available in 50 pound bags and in four media sizes, for multiple levels of abrasion when preparing or cleaning surfaces.
Pytheas ecoClean® has passed both Federal TCLP and California STLC tests and is certified a nonhazardous waste by RCRA regulations for leachable heavy metals. With less than one tenth of one percent free silica, Pytheas ecoClean® is the ideal abrasive where safety, workplace cleanliness, or disposal is a concern. All ecoClean® grades are mined, processed, and screened with rigid adherence to the QIPSM quality assurance programs. Consistently uniform size distributions and chemistries guarantee repeatable surface profiles and cleanliness. Always test a small inconspicuous area before attempting to clean a large surface and ONLY use pure Pytheas ecoClean® with The Farrow System®. Pytheas ecoClean® is available in four media sizes that cover a complete spectrum of surface cleaning applications: